Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We Want You To Know!

So, where are we going with this topic?

Up until now, we have only talked about what ssangapul surgery is and the general sterotypes of the Korean society.

We want to get more specific and slowly start to introduce our project (the C campaign).

Within these past couple of years, the popularity of ssangapul surgery has gone up.
If you are a Korean, you can understand this reality. You may know someone, or know someone who knows someone else, who has had ssangapul surgery.
To our conclusion, we believe that this is because of the Korean society's obsession with celebrities.

Not only Korean celebrities, but also American celebrities.
The whole "western" beauty is perceived to be the ideal beauty in Korean society.
Yea, this seems shallow and makes the Korean society look bad, but it's the truth.
We are not saying that this is negative, we are simply to create an awareness about this.

Our solution?
C campaign

1 comment:

  1. Asian women are beautiful the way they are and I really can not comprehend why in the world they are always trying to appear more western. To be honest with you, most of the westerners I know (including me), can not tell the difference between double or single eye lid.


Do you have a ssangapul (double eyelid)?

Did you have ssangapul surgery?

Are you thinking of getting it done?

Have you ever tried ssangapul tape?

If you had the surgery, would you tell people you had it?

Do you know anyone who has had the surgery?

What do you think about the surgery?

Would you mind if your future spouse has had the surgery?

Do you think that someone with a ssangapul is more beautiful than someone who doesn't?

Are you Korean?